Education: The ABCs of bringing your technology plan to life 

Your educational institution is recognized for its wealth of after-school activities and. But what if your next step is to make technology your biggest ally?

school kids desk

Many educational institutions have already started deploying some elements of their technology plan. That’s something to feel inspired about! After all, as a school administrator, and evolving your facilities into a smart building. But where should you start? Here are a few ideas for combining technology and education as you head towards the school of the future.

Enhance learning techniques

Certain online suites of tools need no further introduction. Google Classroom, for example, has clearly shown the power of cloud computing when it comes to security, collaboration, and mobility. To migrate to a modern work environment, a panoply of digital tools is at your disposal.

It’s impossible to overlook the technological advancements offered by , a Québec company that transforms sites into immersive spaces using audiovisual infrastructure. This system is enriched with a portfolio of applications that enable educational syllabi to be taught in a fun way that’s adapted to many types of students. If moving around means you can learn more easily, why not?

Establish smart transportation

The logistics of transportation represent a challenge for any educational services centre or institution. But technology can come to the rescue. For example, mTransport, a cloud-based transportation management system, optimizes the commuting process between home and school.

It’s composed of three tools. For parents there’s an application that lets them know when a child enters or leaves a bus or gets off at a stop that’s different than usual. For drivers, the app communicates all the information they need for the execution of their duties. Finally, a dashboard that updates in real time lets school transportation managers optimize routes and consult a history of prior trips.

Aim for energy efficiency

In this age of transportation electrification, we need solutions for managing our society’s energy needs better. Schools can definitely contribute to this societal effort while saving significant amounts of money at the same time. Savings due to improved energy efficiency can be reallocated to other budgetary needs.

Smart systems based on the Internet of Things enable heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment to be programmed based on traffic in various buildings or according to a course schedule. Great for ensuring the comfort and productivity of students! Heating and lighting an empty classroom is pointless. For this reason, some centres use presence sensors to prevent the use of electricity when no one is there. Simple and effective!

Five steps to make your technology plan a reality

We recommend a systematic approach for accomplishing your projects. Having a technology plan should be part of your overall strategic plan. It should receive the support of upper management as well as teachers. Guidance received from your trusted telecommunications provider remains the key to success. Here are the five steps you need to follow to earn an A+ on your projects!

1) Identify the problem to be resolved

Before you get started, evaluate the needs of your class and your school. Outside help might be beneficial and help you determine which technological tool would be ideal for responding to the issues you have identified. Finally, compare the advantages of deploying your intended technology versus maintaining the status quo.

2) Determine your objectives

Now decide what your objectives are for the new technology. The acronym SMART can help you set your goals by evaluating whether they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

The “S” stands for “specific”: You should be able to specify exactly what is to be accomplished, by whom and how.

“M” is for “measurable”: Assess whether you achieved your intended results!

The “A” is for “attainable”: Allocated resources must enable you to reach your intended goal.

Be ambitious, but also “realistic” (“R”).

And finally, you should be able to accomplish your project in a “timely” fashion (“T”).

3) Create a strategy

You’ve now arrived at the project management stage. This is the moment when you make all your plans and outline each step to be accomplished. Who will do what? What is the deadline for each task? Which resources are dedicated to each project? Unforeseen events can occur, but rigorous planning will allow you to adapt your schedule as a result.

4) Prepare your environment

Before installing your new sensors and other connected devices, you need to prepare your site. Certain providers will have to chip in. Add capacity to your network infrastructure or Wi-Fi connection before integrating new equipment. If you provide a Chromebook or iPad to hundreds of students, for example, it’s essential to have a powerful wireless network so their first experience using the device is a positive one.

5) Start the project and evaluate the results

With a well-constructed plan, deploying your technological vision will go smoothly. But once the technologies are installed, your work has only just begun. Personnel, students, and parents must now be familiarized with the new devices. A communication plan and a bit of training are just what you need!

Don’t omit tracking your results. Remember the SMART goals you set earlier? Did you achieve them? What feedback did you receive from various users? Any sizeable technology will need to be adjusted after its deployment. Your technology plan will also need periodic revision. Allowing it to evolve will produce more conclusive results and a richer experience. So, when will you get started?

16 January 2023, By Videotron Business

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