A 25th movie in the Tales for All series
Coco Ferme is a youth comedy directed by Sébastien Gagné, who is responsible for the series Nuit blanche, Lâcher prise and Le chalet. This movie tells the story of Max, an almost 12-year-old teenager whose father decides to move to the country, taking his son with him. Max is not happy—to say the least—and, to escape the boredom of summer vacation, he has the idea of creating a farm of 500 laying hens with the help of Charles and Alice, a social network enthusiast.
The story is inspired by the 1992 movie Tirelire, combines et Cie, written by Jacques Desjardins, who collaborated with Dominic James on the script.
You are a fan of Rock Demers film series? Don’t miss the documentary Il était une fois… les Contes pour tous available on Vrai.
- Oscar Desgagnés : Max
- Joey Bélanger : Charles
- Benoît Brière : Raymond
- Simon Lacroix : Éric
- Emma Bao Linh Tourné : Alice
- Steve Laplante : Joseph-Armand Bombardier
- Vincent Bolduc : François
- Joëlle Paré-Beaulieu : Jacynthe
- Louis-Philippe Dandenault : Denis
- Richard Fréchette : Maurice
- Louise Malouin : Mado
- Mia Garnier : Lou
- Gaston Caron : Germain
- Justin Laramée : Martin
- Pierre Mailloux : Boivin
- Thérèse Perreault : Yvette
- Joséphine Miron : La Boivin
- Monik Vincent : Manon
- Claire Gagnon : Inspectrice
- Madi Chirara : Banquier
To watch Coco Ferme