Lac-Noir Season 2
Directed by Frédérik D’Amours, the series Lac-Noir was produced in 2023.
Policewoman Valérie Roberge has unravelled the mystery of Lac-Noir. She now knows that the village is home to residents with very special personalities: werewolves. This season, the whole village has to deal with the arrival of two members of the Werewolf Senate. They’ve come to shed light on the tragic events that nearly exposed the secret of their existence. As if this presence wasn’t enough to shake the population of Lac-Noir, a mysterious reporter arrives in the village. Doubts remain as to his true motives. What exactly is he after? One thing is certain, Valérie will not be insensible to his charms.
Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin : Valérie Roberge / Anthony Therrien : Dave / Laurie Babin : Jade / Stéphane Demers : Adrien Arseneault / Normand D’Amour : Eddy / Isabelle Miquelon : Monique / Andreas Apergis : Conrad Cochrane / Marie-Evelyne Lessard : Dre Émily Morot / Carmen Ferlan : Lisette Tremblay / Guy Nadon : Gabriel / Henri Picard : Raphaël / Victoria Sanchez : Dre Léna Kos / Nico Racicot : Éric / Pierre-Paul Alain : Maurice / Louis-David Morasse : Mario

Episode 1 – Carnage

Episode 2 – Une colère de loup

Episode 3 – Sang écarlate

Episode 4 – Reprise hostile

Episode 5 – Avant la pleine lune

Episode 6 – Métamorphose

Episode 7 – Chasser le loup

Episode 8 – Exil
Lac-Noir Season 1
Directed by Frédérik D’Amours, the series Lac-Noir was produced in 2021.
Valérie, a city policewoman, settles for the summer with her son Dave in Lac-Noir, a tiny village in the Laurentides. It’s a peaceful, uneventful place, at least on the surface … because Valérie comes to help Adrien, the local police chief whose partner has mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Valérie quickly discovers leads that lead her to strange symbols and intriguing pentacles. In the village, the disappearances continue, the leads multiply and the suspects abound. What is the link between all this? Will Valérie manage to unravel the mystery of Lac-Noir?
Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin : Valérie Roberge / Stéphane Demers : Adrien Arseneault / Anthony Therrien : Dave / Laurie Babin : Jade / Louise Cardinal : Maryse Arseneault / Normand D’Amour : Eddy / Pierre-Alexis St-Georges : Cédric / Victor Andrés Trelles Turgeon : Mathieu / Alexandre Castonguay : Steeve Provost / Étienne Lou : Danny Provost / Andreas Apergis : Conrad Cochrane / Isabelle Miquelon : Monique / Jade-Mariuka Robitaille : Sora / Louis-Philippe Dandenault : Olivier / Isabelle Nélisse : Laurie / Marc Fournier : Marc / David Bélizaire : Gregory / Vincent Paradis-Montplaisir : Zach / Zoé Tremblay-Bianco : Eva / Marcelo Arroyo : Père Samuel

Episode 1 – Un croissant de lune pour déjeuner

Episode 2 – Pourquoi t’es dans la lune

Episode 3 – Aboyer à la lune

Episode 4 – Lune de miel

Episode 5 – Prendre la lune entre les dents

Episode 6 – La lune n’a rien à craindre des loups

Episode 7 – La face cachée de la lune

Episode 8 – Lune rouge