Le temps des framboises Season 2
Directed by Guillaume Lonergan, the second season of the series Le temps des framboises was produced in 2023.
It’s Christmas Eve on the farm. The Conleys are as dysfunctional as ever, and Elisabeth misses Francisco terribly. Spring quickly gives way to a huge project: building a greenhouse. The pressure on Elisabeth has never been greater, especially as Martha continues to hound her for her share of the farm. Despite the many tensions, everyone must pull together for the future of the Gardens. Elisabeth is counting more than ever on Denis to see the project through, and will find additional support in Junior, who hopes to follow in his father’s footsteps.
Sandrine Bisson : Elisabeth Daveluy / Edison Ruiz : Francisco Guanco / Elijah Patrice : Junior Conley / Xavier Chalifoux : William Conley / Anthony Lemke : John Conley / Micheline Lanctôt : Martha Conley / Paul Doucet : Denis Conley / Ellen David : Rachel Conley / Anne Beaudry : Maureen Conley / Kathleen Stavert : Peggy Conley / Nicole Leroux : Estelle Conley / Johnny Cortes : Luis Lozano Valencia Puerras / Rubén Meza : Santiago / Marco Ledézma : Jorge Flores Alvarez Ruiz / Andres Romo Salido : Gustavo Quiroz / Gabriel Infante : Salvador / Marilou Forgues : Jessica Leboeuf / Frédéric Desager : M. Bertolli / Anne Dorval : Notaire / Luis Oliva : Miguel / Hugo Leonel Rucuch : Sexy / Zion-Luna Ribeaux Valda : Pedro

Episode 1 – Entends-tu ce que j’entends?

Episode 2 – Un simple détour vers mes amours passées

Episode 3 – Sur ses traces

Episode 4 – Tout ça, c’est nous autres

Episode 5 – Humeurs torrides

Episode 6 – Ok? OOOOK!

Episode 7 – Ils annoncent une lune rouge

Episode 8 – Je l’aime aussi

Episode 9 – La colère des guerriers

Episode 10 – Après nous, la terre
A successful series written by Florence Longpré and Suzie Bouchard
Directed by Philippe Falardeau, the first season of the series Le temps des framboises was produced in 2022.
In the midst of a midlife crisis, Elisabeth inherits the family farm following her husband's sudden death. Standing up to her in-laws and taking on the immense task of a novice now running the whole operation, she plunges headlong into this new and unpredictable life, with as only allies her sons Junior, who has behavioural problems, and William, who is deaf, as well as the seasonal workers who live on the farm. Together, they will plunge into the heart of moral dilemmas, fight against hyper-controlling in-laws and live disturbing passions! While Elisabeth never really cared about the seasonal workers, they will become almost like a second family. In their respective solitude of mourning and exile, they will all find an unexpected refuge there.
Sandrine Bisson : Elisabeth Daveluy / Elijah Patrice : Junior Conley / Xavier Chalifoux : William Conley / Micheline Lanctôt : Martha Conley / Anthony Lemke : John Conley / Paul Doucet : Denis Conley / Ellen David : Rachel Conley / Anne Beaudry : Maureen Conley / Nicole Leroux : Estelle Conley / Kathleen Stavert : Peggy Conley / Edison Ruiz : Francisco Guanco / Jorge Martinez Colorado : Emilio Ramirez / Johnny Cortes : Luis Lozano Valencia Puerras / Andres Romo Salido : Gustavo Quiroz / Marco Ledézma : Jorge Flores Alvarez Ruiz / Rubén Meza : Santiago / Clémence Dufresne-Deslière : Océane Marquis / Frédéric Desager : M. Bertolli / Marilou Forgues : Jessica Leboeuf / Richard Jutras : Monsieur le Maire

Episode 1 – Wake-up

Episode 2 – Juste au mauvais moment

Episode 3 – La vie est ainsi faite

Episode 4 – Monsieur Bertolli

Episode 5 – Erin Brokovich

Episode 6 – La loi c’est moi

Episode 7 – La volonté de fer

Episode 8 – Le dernier pardon

Episode 9 – On a tu le droit de rêver, c****

Episode 10 – Le ciel à portée de mains